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型号  厂家    封装    批号    数量   描述 供货 日期
XRT86VX38 Exar   TAN-072. E1 Software Customization for RLOS Compliance 20111228
XRT86VL30 Exar   TAN-072. E1 Software Customization for RLOS Compliance 20111228
XRT83VL38 Exar   TAN-072. E1 Software Customization for RLOS Compliance 20111228
XRT79L71 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75VL00D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75VL00 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R12D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R12 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R06D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R06 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R03D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75R03 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L06D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L06 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L04D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L04 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L03D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L03 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L02D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L02 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L00D Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT75L00 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73R12 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73R06 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73LC04A Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73LC03A Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73LC00A Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73L06 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73L04B Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73L03B Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT73L02M Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT7300 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT71D04 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT71D03 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
XRT71D00 Exar   TAN-075. DS-3/E3 LIU Layout Recommendations 20111228
AN-07 Micrel   AN-07 SY89429/30V Frequency Synthesis Introduction Micrel's SY89429V and SY89430V frequency synthesizers are designed to be used in various clock ... 20090224
AN-07 Micrel   AN-07 SY89429/30V Frequency Synthesis Introduction Micrel's SY89429V and SY89430V frequency synthesizers are designed to be used in various clock ... 20090224
AN-07 Micrel   HOW TO USE SY89430V IN OTHER APPLICATIONS Introduction This application note focuses on the differences and types of modifications which are ... 20060922
AN-07 Micrel   SY89429/30V Frequency Synthesis 20030701
AN-07 ADDENDUM Micrel   How To Use SY89430V in Other Applications 20030701

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